Monday, August 10, 2009

Possibly a New Favorite Chocolate Cake!

An added blessing of our recent move to Eastern Kentucky to begin a new pastorate is being much closer to my parents and both of my sisters. This past weekend my husband and I took the opportunity to visit my twin sister, Denise, and her family in Eastern Tennessee, only 2 1/2 hours away. Denise, also a pastor's wife, is a great cook and entertains many guests in their home almost weekly. In fact, I doubt that a week goes by when they don't have a guest in their home for a meal.
Denise continues the tradition of our mother serving Sunday dinner following morning worship. Yesterday she served a delicious rosemary chicken dish as the main course. The meal was topped off with this sinfully chocolate cake which was decadent to say the least! Believe it or not, the recipe actually comes from Cooking Light. I think the "light" part is in the reduced fat mayonnaise but you won't notice. Try it--I think you'll have a new favorite too. And if you have given up having dinner after church on Sunday morning, I encourage you to try it again too. Times spent around the table discussing things learned that morning in worship enhance a great meal! Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure "sinful" is the best choice of words to describe the cake I served following the Sunday worship service! =)


Best-Ever Apple Pie--Really!

You just can't beat a good ol' American apple pie for a great dessert. This recipe was featured in the September 2008 issue of Southern Living. It has five pounds of apples in it!! The picture above is the picture of the pie I made. It was so good! As you read the recipe, you will notice that the crust is a little different--it has cornmeal in it. It also uses apple juice as the wetting agent. The trick is rolling the top crust out large enough to cover that mound of apples. If you love apple pie, try this one. I don't think you'll be disappointed!