Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Long Winter's Nap?

Wow--where have the months gone?  Some of you might think I had hibernated for the fall and winter, but it is much the opposite.  We launched a new children's program in November requiring much time and effort.  I'm happy to report that "Creekside Kids For Christ" has completed its second full month and I am so thankful for God's goodness.  He has blessed with a complete staff of faithful leaders and we have had two wonderful months.  I can only anticipate what God has in store for the future of this ministry. 

Although I haven't posted any recipes, I have continued to be very busy in the kitchen.  My husband and I began "Celebrating You!" which is a monthly birthday celebration for members of our congregation.  We invite those who have had a birthday during the current month to our home, along with their families.  I serve a special dessert and we enjoy some sweet fellowship while celebrating the birthday people.  I have served warm chocolate molten cakes, yellow cupcakes with buttercream icing, apple cake with caramel sauce, homemade apple turnovers and a pumpkin ice cream dessert.  (Those of you with December birthdays are invited to the January celebration!) 

Now that we are back in the pastorate, Jeff and I were happy to be able to host the board of elders' and their wives once again for a special Christmas dinner.  I love to have the opportunity to set a pretty table complete with crystal and silver and pretty holiday decorations.  I always labor over the menu and my husband labors over my labor--always concerned that I will try yet another new recipe, which I always do!  This year was no different.  Two of the items on the menu were new to me, the others tried and true.  Our menu was:

Wild Rice
Chocolate Cheesecake

Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal and Jeff breathed a sigh of relief! 

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Best-Ever Apple Pie--Really!

You just can't beat a good ol' American apple pie for a great dessert. This recipe was featured in the September 2008 issue of Southern Living. It has five pounds of apples in it!! The picture above is the picture of the pie I made. It was so good! As you read the recipe, you will notice that the crust is a little different--it has cornmeal in it. It also uses apple juice as the wetting agent. The trick is rolling the top crust out large enough to cover that mound of apples. If you love apple pie, try this one. I don't think you'll be disappointed!