My, how time gets away from me! Although I have not committed to post recipes on a consistent basis, I had no intention of letting so many months go by! Even though I have not posted any new recipes recently, I visit my blog often when I am home or traveling because I have found that it is a great way to store recipes rather than printing recipes and filling numerous books or recipe files. This paperless recipe filing is wonderful and it travels well!

Over the past months, I have accessed my recipes from my son and daughter-in-law's home in Tennessee as I visited our new grandson, Cade. Holly had to go back to work for five weeks before school was out for the year so I had the precious opportunity to stay with them for two weeks and while I was there besides taking care of Cade (joy, oh joy!), I cooked a few meals. A couple of the recipes I accessed while I was there were
shrimp scampi and
cheddar biscuits. If you are like me and love recipes, consider saving the links to all your favorite sites on a blog. You don't have to make it public but it's a great way to save recipes without having a plethora of paper in your cabinet.

I have been busy, as usual, baking and trying out new recipes. I have discovered several new recipe sites. As I was searching for an ice cream cake recipe, I came upon
Laura in the Kitchen. Her site includes many demonstration videos and some tempting treats. I made her
Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Filling and Ganache and the
Oreo Ice Cream Cake for our April/May Celebrating You birthday event in May. The cake was oh-so-moist but I wasn't a big fan of the peanut butter filling. Next time I think I will opt for a traditional buttercream or maybe even the stabilized cream from my
triple chocolate cake. The Oreo ice cream cake was perfect and loved by everyone! It would be a great dessert for you to try this summer for a special treat for your family/friends.

We had the privilege this month to go on vacation with our boys and their wives (and our new grandson!) to the ocean--our favorite place. Each family was responsible for cooking the dinner meal and I took a couple nights. What a nice treat to be cooked for! Our youngest son enjoys cooking and made a great meal of chicken fajitas, guacamole, cheese dip with nachos. Emily made a delicious baked spicy chicken spaghetti (I'll have to get her recipe and post it later). Since we could get fresh shrimp, I opted for shrimp scampi again since it's one of our favorites and I also made
fish tacos. This recipe came from the Pillsbury bake-off last year and is very good. One night I made the
banana cream supreme which is a Pampered Chef recipe. It is a delicious and oh-so-easy dessert to make. I chose to buy a graham cracker crust rather than make it in a springform pan (I was on vacation after all)!
Last night we had an ice cream social at church. I was surprised to find that very few families at our church own an ice cream freezer. There were only three of us who made homemade ice cream--two of us brought peach and one brought strawberry. In a taste test, the strawberry ice cream won. So much for the five-star recipe I found on My It was good but a bit too sweet.
So as you can see, I have been busy in my kitchen and in other kitchens which may explain why I haven't posted much recently! Until next time . . .